Knowing you need to live into your WHY is the easy part...
Actually LIVING your why every day isn't!
So you've decided you can't run from the feeling "I'm not living my purpose"!?!
Such a brave, self aware and bold epiphany for you! Now that you've come to that realization, how’s that going? Do you know your WHY and are you talking about it constantly? Are you living your WHY every day or do you sometimes apply for jobs for which you have no interest? Can you clearly explain to clients or employers your sweet spot, how you consistently deliver JUST the value they need most? Did it seem easier to have the idea about your purpose versus DOING something about it every day?
You didn't learn this in school, did you?!
No one ever showed you how to find your purpose, find a job you love AND explain your values to everyone you meet! There is no manual for this and it’s so different from anything you’ve ever done! But the daily focus on your WHY and using that as your north star is work! And it’s so confusing and frustrating because you know most of your gifts already! So why can't you remember all those super powers when you're talking to people?!?!
I've got you!
Because you have some insights already, you simply need your personal arena guide (PAG) to bring it altogether. This little gem is ideal for you because it’s a quick, concise reminder of all that makes you special! It's what gets you out of bed, what pushes you and what ensures you deliver the best to those around you! You'll have a 'go to guide' for talking with prospects about your value, what makes you different and why you're the best person for the job. It ensures you’re clear on what’s going to make the most impact to those you serve. Please message me to find out how this investment will make a significant impact to your future!
You don't need to 'just make it work' anymore - your personalized arena guide (PAG) will be your starting point to help you live bravely, boldly and with clarity every day!
You will excel only by maximizing your strengths, never by fixing your weaknesses
Marcus Buckingham

Wendy D
I had spent a great deal of time looking for work and after a bit of reflection, realizing I wasn't very excited about the jobs for which I was applying and getting offers. After spending some time with Christi and getting my PAG, my future direction became much more clear. Upon seeing the final version, it made sense why I declined sales job offers, why I knew I could never apply for other jobs and how my values didn't align with certain people and companies. The clarity of seeing all in one place was super helpful and helped guide me to my next career path!

Chance P
I had a fun time coming up with my PAG with Christi. I learned a few new things about myself and was reminded about some qualities that differentiate me from other coaches. Printing this out and keeping it nearby when I talk to people has been so helpful in helping me articulate the skills, values and work that fuels me. It has the potential to be a big game changer for me!

Helen M
Seeing the drafts and eventually the final PAG version have been a journey! It was interesting to see that challenging situations at work had ended up developing me into the kind of leader I had been looking to work for. And the final version tied such a nice bow on so many things I knew and rarely articulate about what I'm good at doing. I use this often: to help decide how to allocate my time & energy, to prep for advancement opportunities so I can clearly articulate my value & how I bring a little of me to my work, and finally to remind myself what to look for so I can find an environment where I can thrive.
Curious with a few details?
Want to get started right away, but have a few questions? Book 30 minutes with Christi to ensure that the personal arena guide is right for you!
Are you committed to growth?
Time is wasting, let's do this!
You've seen the PAG, you want your own right now and want to get going already! Complete your purchase by clicking to the box nearby (with the price) and let's DO this!!